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    © Universität Bielefeld
Yoga TriDosha Balancing Asanas
verantwortlich: Camilla Schymkowiak

TriDosha Balancing Asanas incl. Meditation

Eine sanfte, aber auch fordernde Asana Serie, mit immer wiederkehrenden Elementen damit Du “floppy & relaxed” sein kannst!

The yoga practices are based on the Ayurvedic constitution concept, Vata, Pita and Kapha. If these doshas are in imbalance, our subtle energy flow called prana is inhibited, which gives way to diseases, mentally and physically. With gentle posture and alternating resting poses, we balance our doshas and get into a state of homeostasis or harmony. You will teach your body to memorise the movements and relaxation guiding you into a meditative state, which cultures your experience of oneness, this is Yoga, seeing well and clearly Your True Self.

 The class begins with a standing warm-up series to develop skeleton alignment and increase bone density. Then we flow onto the mat for a wholesome practice to prepare our body for meditation. As I guide you into this practice, I will be using repeating phrases and words aiming for you to subconsciously relax. You keep your eyes closed, developing a sense for your Whole Self. The asanas are mild, yet challenging.

The classes are for everyone, beginner or experienced: deeply relax, in body and mind; be stable, strong yet flexible without competition; improve your breathing, expand your lungs capacity; connect to your wholeness


0140A/FDo17:00-18:30Zoom13.04.-06.07.Ayse Yufkayürekentgeltfreiabgelaufen
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