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    © Universität Bielefeld
Yoga Morning Flow
verantwortlich: Camilla Schymkowiak


Yoga Morning Flow: 

Wir werden den Sonnengruss “Surya Namaskar” und verschiedene Atmungsübungen kennenlernen und aufbauen, die dich für den Tag “tunen”.  

The yoga practices are based on the Ayurvedic constitution concept, Vata, Pita and Kapha. If these doshas are in imbalance, our subtle energy flow called prana is inhibited, which gives way to diseases, mentally and physically. With gentle posture and alternating resting poses, we balance our doshas and get into a state of homeostasis or harmony. You will teach your body to memorise the movements and relaxation guiding you into a meditative state, which cultures your experience of oneness, this is Yoga, seeing well and clearly Your True Self

To warm-up we begin with a derived form of the practice that is soft on your back and subsequently build up the series of Sun Salutation to its full course including the breath work. You will learn to coordinate your breath with the movements and establish your own practice. We continue with sitting breathing exercise to optimise the flow of our Prana and close the session with Savasana or Tantric meditation. 


The classes are for everyone, beginner or experienced: deeply relax, in body and mind; be stable, strong yet flexible without competition; improve your breathing, expand your lungs capacity; connect to your wholeness. Sense your True Self.

0138A/FSo10:00-11:00Zoom16.04.-09.07.Ayse Yufkayürekentgeltfreiabgelaufen
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